RunCast Information

Welcome to the Harding Hustle LiveRunCast.

To search for runners, use the search box in the upper right corner. You can enter their full name, ie. "Bob Smith" (with no quotes), or a partial name and "%". For instance, if you don't get a result for Bob Smith you could try "bob%" to get all runners that start with "Bob" or "B%" to get all runners that start with "B". The search is not case sensative. The wildcard string must always be placed at the end of your search.

The Checkpoint dropdown allows you to see reports for each checkpoint which includes info such as checkpoint elevation, cutoff time, runners that have reached that checkpoint, etc. Once you select a checkpoint you can move forward or back checkpoint by clicking on the arrows in the main window.

Remember, the data is only as "live" as the data received from the radio operators at each checkpoint so there can be a bit of a delay. This race is not chip timed so the results are not completely instant. Enjoy!